Arduino Design
1. Single switch button operation using Arduino to toggle output On & OFF
2. TTC Telemetry Tx Console using Arduino
3. DHT11 sensor using Arduino for measuring Hmidity & Temperature
4. Sending data from mobile to PC terminal using Bluetooth HC-06
5. 8 Relay switching operration using mobile app designed with the help of MIT App Inventor
6. Vibration sensor detection using Arduino Pro
7. MPR121 capacitive touch sensor made using arduino
8. MPR121 capacitive touch Piano using arduino
9. Displaying humidity & temperature on OLED display using DTH11 & Arduino
10. Arduino real time clock and temperature monitor with DS3231 and SSD1306 OLED
11. Dehumidifier Design using Nodemcu
12. Blynk Nodemcu ON/OFF PCB
13. Menu Selection in LCD by using PC Monitor input
14. Doc of Controlling LED from an IoT Server using NodeMCU
15. Controlling LED from an IoT Server using NodeMCU
16. ESP8266 web server based LED Control
17. Blink using millis function
18. Delay using milli function
19. Change
20. Device Available
21. TTP229 Touch Keypad(4x4)
22. DC Motor Control using IRF520 MOSFET Driver Module
23. I2C SDA-SCL Multiple Device Connection
24. 74HC4067 16-Ch Analog with multiple sensors
25. Menu driven based on user input
26. TC 74 I2C Multiple Temperature Sensor using Arduino
27. OLED 1306 128x64 display with Nodemcu
28. I2C Device Scanner
29. 4x4 Keypad with I2C and Nodemcu
30. Soft 4x4 Keypad for switching Relay On-Off
31. 4x4 Kepad with OLED display and Relay On/Off
32. 1.8 inch tft lcd module 128x160 with Nodemcu
33. TFT 1.8 wifi clock using Nodemcu
34. WIFI Local Blink Server based 8 Relays ON/OFF Operation
35. Kyepad 4 x 4 via i2c two digit input and displaying OLED using nodemcu
36. MAX7219 LED Dot Matrix 4 Series Display
37. Dehumidifier Using ESP8266
38. Do While loop example
39. Digital Lock using Nodemcu OLED Display with I2C keypad
40. Enter profile in nodemcu
41. Two Decimal Data Entry using string in Nodemcu
42. Multiple decimal Data entry using 4x4 Keypad with nodemcu
43. Multiple decimal Data entry using I2C 4x4 Keypad on OLED with nodemcu
44. Menu Selection using Keypad with I2C on OLED using Nodemcu
45. IRF520 MOSFET Driver Module motor control using Nodemcu
46. Distance Measurment using HC SR04 Ultrasonic Sensor using Nodemcu
47. Visitor counter using IR sensor displaying on OLED with relay activation
48. flow sensor meter
49. IR Remote Decoding using IR Receiver and displaying on OLED
50. Temperature measurement using thermistor displaying on OLED
51. Multiple Analog Signal Reading from Nodemcu
52. 433 MHz Tx & Rx
53. RPM Meter & Running Light & Rotor position & direction
53.a. Download Nodemcu Coding
54. Controlling two servomotor using single nodemcu using blynk
55. Obstacle avoidance driving
56. Light Intensity Meter
57. Motion Sensor Detection
58. photoresistor based automatic switch for day & night
59. LCD I2C Display using Nodemcu
60. Counter using button click using Nodemcu
61. PWM Generation & Light Dimmer or Speed Control